- Study of Middle and Low Level Algorithm in Image Understanding. 中低层图像理解算法研究短句来源我理解了。
- Schools in the army are divided into those at higher,middle and lower levels. 学校有各级的:高级,中级,初级。
- Schools in the army are divided into those at higher, middle and lower levels. 学校有各级的:高级,中级,初级。
- Middle and low level shear line and jet 中低空切变线和急流
- middle and low level flexible employment 中低层灵活就业
- That is also true of some cadres at middle and lower levels,such as certain secretaries of commune and county Party committees and certain comrades in factories,mines and other enterprises. 这种情况,在中下层干部中也有。如某些公社党委书记,某些县委书记,某些厂矿企业的同志,他们那个特殊化也比较厉害。
- Script and lower level ODBC warnings. 脚本和低级ODBC警告。
- What we should do now is to thoughtfully select young and competent comrades for the top and second posts in leading organs at the middle and lower levels,and for the second and third posts in the higher organs. 现在,我们就是要认真选拔比较年轻的、年富力强的同志,当中下级领导机关的一、二把手,当高级领导机关的二、三把手。
- That is also true of some cadres at middle and lower levels, such as certain secretaries of commune and county Party committees and certain comrades in factories, mines and other enterprises. 这种情况,在中下层干部中也有。 如某些公社党委书记,某些县委书记,某些厂矿企业的同志,他们那个特殊化也比较厉害。
- Our berths are number 5 middle and lower. 我们的卧铺是5号中铺和下铺。
- What we should do now is to thoughtfully select young and competent comrades for the top and second posts in leading organs at the middle and lower levels, and for the second and third posts in the higher organs. 现在,我们就是要认真选拔比较年轻的、年富力强的同志,当中下级领导机关的一、二把手,当高级领导机关的二、三把手。
- Middle and Low Level Image Processing Based on Register Optimising 基于寄存器优化的图象中低层处理
- Society is divided into upper, middle and lower classes. 社会分为上层、中层和下层阶级。
- The proportion of a market's rich, middle and low income people. 高、中、低收入者在市场中的比例。
- The products are divided into glues with high, middle and low temperature. 产品分为高、中、低温。
- VII. Strengthening ties between the upper and lower levels. 七、加强上下联系。
- Low level inflow also becomes thicker over land.Near the Snow Mountains the tangential wind strong wind speed district becomes wider on the middle and high level. 中高层切向风场在雪山山脉附近,强风速区会有变宽的现象,由剖面得知此现象和垂直传送有关,也造成切向风的非轴对称特徵。
- Francis turbine is applicable for the middle and low water level power station,Both have vertical and horizontal structure,and commonly designed in the scroll. 混流式水轮机用于中、低水头电站,有卧式、立式两种,一般采用金属蜗壳。
- The ratio of products where supply exceeds demand is up and structural and low level surplus took place. 市场供大于求的商品比重上升,出现了结构性、低水平过剩;
- Alocal decree has higher legal authority than local rules issued by governments at the same level and lower level. 第八十条地方性法规的效力高于本级和下级地方政府规章。